When you look in the mirror
and you want to break them
not a mirror that needs to be broken
you that needs to change"
Guillaume Musso
The modern definition of beauty is no longer just a cultural issue, over the last several years we have been gradually influenced not only by the opinions of others, but also by the Internet. Is the current canon of beauty, which many women and men strive for, a risky beauty? How to achieve this and is it even worth pursuing?
The heroes of the film describe why they decide to undergo treatments to improve their appearance. The document is also intended to present what problems and for what purpose we should go to the doctor and cosmetologist, how these professions complement each other. It emphasizes the ethics of the profession and care for patients.
The stories of the characters are complemented by the statements of specialists in the cosmetology industry as well as doctors, lawyers and psychologists. Producers of products used for treatments related to cosmetology and aesthetic medicine, who participate in the daily work of these professional groups and affect the entire industry, will also have a chance to speak.
dr Ewa Kaniowska MD
SLDE– Association of Aesthetic Dermatologists
International training center for anti-aging medicine
Documentary + social campaign
Documentary + social campaign
Risky Beauty