Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a management strategy according to which enterprises voluntarily take into account social and environmental issues as well as relations with various groups of stakeholders in their activities.
What prompts many companies to adopt this strategy are undoubtedly the image benefits that come from it. Undoubtedly, however, it is social benefits that should be the main area of interest of the company. Otherwise, actions to improve the company image may seriously undermine it and contribute to criticism from the public.
Flexibility in creation
An intriguing documentary cannot be made without the involvement of talented documentary makers. Reflections drawn from a good documentary resonate in the recipient much longer than any plot. As creators, we are fully aware of this phenomenon, hence we approach film production carefully and methodically. The foundations of the creative process are a carefully written script, a precisely defined goal of the film and clearly defined CSR assumptions. All this is complemented by the skillful work of the camera, not accidental framing, properly selected lighting and many related issues. What we consider the success of our work is universal: we strive to exert a two-pronged impact on the clients of the company we work with, so that on the one hand, we increase their level of trust in the company, on the other hand, to encourage them to engage in social activities.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Promoting CSR activities through a corporate documentary.
Corporate Documentaries
When social engagement is the overriding goal, film is the medium that does it best.
The use of an audiovisual work instead of a tedious presentation will have a positive impact on the perception of the recipients, increasing interest in the message addressed to them. We make our films in accordance with the principles of innovation and unconventionality, so they will certainly surpass clichéd and devoid of dynamic content. We focus on originality and unconventionality, which we try to implement with full professionalism and based on many years of experience.
Be authentic
Authenticity is what makes a successful CRS movie. Your customers want to see sincerity in your efforts. Taking a particular cause or charity seriously will encourage viewers to invest in your brand. If you convince customers that a particular cause is close to your heart, they will want to be part of this journey.

Represent your values
Promote values and causes that consistently correspond to your brand's activities. Many companies are associated with a specific charity, which makes their branding harmonious konsekwentnym (for example, the cosmetics company Avon bands its products with a pink ribbon, and allocates the proceeds from sales to a charity campaign with breast cancer prevention)
Think about time
Dont fall into the trap of thinking that CSR is only there to reinforce your marketing goals. These types of videos are not directly about promoting your brand, but that particular cause or charity. It pays to think carefully about the goal.
Be emotional and educational
CRS videos should primarily evoke empathy, which will trigger reactions in the form of donations. Try to increase public awareness of the organization. No matter how serious the issue is, CSR needs to have an optimistic and inspiring message - viewers need to feel they have the power to drive social change.
Call to action
An effective CSR video gives viewers tips on how they can help the cause of your choice. This will increase the chance of your CSR video being shared, and new customers will automatically associate your brand with philanthropic efforts. Engage and inspire your audience to sign a petition, fundraise or simply spread the word on social media.
CSR videos can help boost a company positive reputation as customers are increasingly interested in the values represented by their favorite brands. Proactively presenting your companys position on specific social and environmental issues increases customer engagement and helps raise awareness for an issue close to your heart. Choosing one cause or charity to support will help you focus specifically on one type of CSR video and not confuse your customers. As documentary filmmakers, we can take care of all the logistics associated with your brand, meaning no hassle or stress on your part. Feel free to contact us.