These are the companies we've collaborated with.
twórca filmów i fotografii (wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone)
- Filip Janerka

Tak to robimy !
Content dostarczany który dostarczamy to gwarancja najwyższej jakości – każdy projekt, który tworzymy, odznacza się niezwykłą kreatywnością i profesjonalizmem, dzięki czemu osiągamy poziom, który można określić jednym słowem: zajebisty.

Using video content to promote your business is one of the most effective marketing strategies today.
In the materials we create, we focus on telling stories. At the center of our interest is always a man, his thoughts, emotions and reactions. We try to build customer trust as well as create recognition of your brand among them. In the era of aversion to conventional advertising practices, we focus on consistent and authentic content that attracts attention not because of excessive flashiness, but because of the aesthetic, interesting message they present. In our advertisements, brands are not only products or services, but also messages, intentions and values worth promoting.
The implementation of your advertisement will be a significant support in our independent film business. By cooperating with us, you will gain unique, high-quality content, as well as express that you are not indifferent to audiovisual culture and art.
branded content
more than an advertisement